14 Oktober 2005

Welcome to AVALON, we have been expecting you!


Blogger r_i_14 said...

si inca odata in decursul unei perioade foarte scurte de 5 minute I must go like: "fook mi" that was fast! Din pakate nu cautam nimic, dar sper sa ma mai intorc candva cand stiu ce caut.

Wikipedia spune:

According to one theory the word is an anglicisation of the Brythonic "Annwyn", the realm of fairies, or netherworld, but this would be a major corruption. Geoffrey of Monmouth interpreted the name as the "isle of apples". This is more probable, since apple is still Aval in Breton and Cornish, and Afal in Welsh, in which the letter f is pronounced [v].

14/10/05 14:36  
Blogger r_i_14 said...

IMPORTANT! sa nu uit... <"fook mi" that was fast!> nu e de la mine putere... e de la retro new citare

scuza mea: evenimentele s-au desfasurat fulgerator cu viteza retelei... a se vedea cum primul avion a lovit turnul de nord AICI

21/10/05 04:09  

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